Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid
Duluxe ATF Dextron IV
Duluxe ATF Dextron IV is a high performance, fully Meets the requirements of ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid)
synthetic automatic transmission fluid that meets or exceeds the stringent requirements of DEXRON-VI specification and provides for 2006 and newer General Motor's vehicles. It also provides
improved performance in older vehicles, wherever Dextron is specified.
Density a 150C. kg,'l ASTM D1298
Viscosity a 100 0C. cSt ASTM D445 5.83
Viscosity 40 0C. cSt ASTM D445 29
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 145
Brookefield Viscosity @-40 oc. ASTM D97 nsoo
Pour Point. oc ASTM D92 -45
Flash Point C ASTM D2896 220